Easy Pecan Pie Cheesecake


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You’ll Need:

• 1 sleeve graham crackers, or 1cup graham cracker crumbs.
• 1/2 stick butter (4 Tablespoons).

• 2 blocks cream cheese (8 ounces each).
• 1 cup brown sugar.
• 2 Tablespoons flour.
• 2/3 cup sour cream.
• 4 eggs.
• 1.5 Teaspoon vanilla extract.

• 1 cup brown sugar.
• 1/2 stick butter (4 Tablespoons).
• 1/4 cup heavy cream.
• 1 cup crushed/chopped pecans.

How to Make:

-Crush graham crackers and mix with melted butter. Spread in a pie pan, pressing to make a firm crust coating the bottom and sides of the pan.
-Bake graham cracker crust for 10 minutes at 325°F. Once out,make sure the crust is still packed tightly.
-Mix all of the cheesecake ingredients together:(cream cheese, brown sugar, flour, sour cream, eggs, and vanilla) using an electric mixer until evenly blended.
-Pour mixture into pie pan on top of graham cracker crust. Bake at 325°F for 50 to 60 minutes, or until the edges are set and the center jiggles slightly. Set aside to cool.
-Melt brown sugar and butter for topping in a small pan over medium heat until bubbly, stirring frequently.Pour in heavy cream and pecans, continue to stir for an additional 1 to 2 minutes.
-Remove from heat, let cool for 5 minutes, then spread over cheesecake.
-Serve warm or cooled.


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Easy Pecan Pie Cheesecake