7-Day Cucumber Diet That Drops Pounds Very Fast

7-Day Cucumber Diet That Drops Pounds Very Fast

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–  From dinner to dessert. This healthy diet is an easy way to enjoy delicious food and lose weight.Hunting for weight loss recipes online can be overwhelming. Whether you’re Googling or cruising Pinterest boards, there are thousands of recipes available & who has time to go through them all!?
–  Probably the most favorite vegetable for consumption is cucumber. Aside the fact that it is tasty it is also extremely healthy and not only for the body but for the skin as well. This green vegetable is packed with water and low in calories thus making it an ideal ingredient for the weight loss diets.
–  The diet we are about to present you lasts for one week which can eliminate two pounds per day provided that you follow it accordingly. This diet can help you to quickly remove all those unwanted pounds and also improve the quality of your skin and because of that it is widely used in facial treatments. The skin treatments with cucumber can help you in the elimination of the present acne.
–  There are many diets you can find online that promise quick and efficient results, but rarely any of them work as well as the cucumber diet we have for you today. This amazing diet can help you lose a ton of weight in only 10Days.


This is the eating regime for one week:


• 2 hard-boiled eggs.
• 1 plate cucumber salad.


• 1 big apple or 5 plums or 1 peach {around 7 ounces}.


• 1 piece toasted wheat bread.
• 1 bowl of cucumber salad.

#Recipe for the cucumber diet salad:


• 1 Cup of sour milk or yogurt of your own choice.
• 14 Ounces of cucumber.
• Fresh onion.
• Salt.


First nicely peel the cucumber and then slice it into little pieces. Add the salt and stir till it is well dissolved. Next, add the sour milk or yogurt and blend it carefully. In the end, include the onion.


• Cucumber shake.

#Recipe for the cucumber shake:


• 1 Apple.
• 1 Cucumber.
• A handful of nicely washed spinach.


Just place all the ingredients in a blender and then include some fresh ginger. Blend everything well and once it is ready, pour the mixture in a glass and consume it fresh. Do not leave it for later since all its healing properties will be gone.


• Fruit at your own preference {around 10 ounces}.

Health Benefits of Cucumber
• Proper hydration, cucumbers can keep your body well hydrated during the summer and as well as throughout the whole year.
• Great Source of vitamin K | B vitamins | vitamin C | manganese | copper and potassium.
• Unique content of polyphenols and other compounds which can lower the risk of chronic diseases and many other issues.
• Cleanse of the intestinal tracts and digestion system.
• Body removal of excess water.
• Stimulates the metabolic process.

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