Scarlet fever is back and every parent needs to watch out for these warning signs

Within 6 days the skin begins to peel off, along with other symptoms:

•Flushed face
•Itchy skin
•Swollen neck glands
•High Fever (101°F)
•Abdominal pain
•Sore throat
•Red rash

#What Do I Do When My Child has Scarlet Fever?

-First, note that this infection is contagious, meaning that you should limit the contact your child has with other kids. Your child shouldn’t go out until the infection is completely cured and their toothbrushes need to be separated from the ones other family members use.

-The treatment involves use of 10-days of antibiotics. While the symptoms may improve sooner, you still need to continue giving your child the antibiotic treatment. Wait 24 hours once the symptoms have subsided prior sending them to school.

-Addressing the bacteria is of utmost importance as neglecting them may lead to serious problems in the kidneys, heart, and other vital organs.

-Treating Scarlet Fever Symptoms:

-In case of severe discomfort, the child will need to be given something to relieve the symptoms. For this purpose, you are recommended to try out some natural remedies before reaching for detrimental painkillers:

1-Apple Cider Vinegar:
*ACV offers a wide range of health benefits, including its ability to relieve a sore throat by warming it and combining it with cayenne pepper. It consists of acetic acid, which is known for its capacity to heal infections in burn patients. To reduce the effects of scarlet fever rash, soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply onto the affected area.

2-Raw honey, mint, raspberry leaves:
*Adding these ingredients to hot water and taking them 2-3 times daily improves sore throats within a very short period of time.

3-Water vapor and humidifiers:
*These help protect against dry air that is known to trigger coughs and further irritation of the throat. Adding lavender oil enhances their effects, in terms of reducing inflammation in the throat.

4-Lavender oil:
*This essential oil contains linalool, a compound that alleviates the symptoms of scarlet fever by moisturizing the itchy rash. To treat the itchy rash, apply lavender oil combined with 2 percent of carrier oil like almond or olive oil.

5-Soups, teas, and soft things:
*Soups and soft foods promote faster recovery while warm fluids like tea soothe the sore throat.

6-Clip the child’s fingernails:
*This simple trick helps keep the child away from damaging the skin from itching.

7-Stay away from irritants:
*Avoiding irritants like cigarettes and cleaning supplies is of utmost importance, which is yet another reason to avoid smoking around the child.

*Hydration is vital when it comes to maintaining health. Drinking plenty of water and hot beverages is a good way to relieve a hoarse throat.