Recent Study Confirms Parents Still Lose Sleep Worrying About Grown Children

   -‘Current research on young adults suggests that parents and children are maintaining high levels of involvement,’ she said. ‘Although parents and adult children have always maintained some level of involvement, we do see an increase in what is often termed helicopter parenting & landing pad children’.

-Seidel says that this trend along with the emergence of technology like cell phones and social media gives parents a deeper insight into what is going on in their adult children’s lives, which may lead to more cause for concern.

-Parents can help themselves deal with stress by developing healthy coping strategies, which may include better eating habits, exercise, mindfulness, support groups, or therapy.

   -‘It is important to remember that having stress present in our lives is not the problem,’ Seidel says. ‘It’s the inability to cope in healthy ways with the stress that is problematic and may lead to immune suppression’.

-She also suggests that parents reflect on their level of involvement in their adult child’s life,how their child is receiving it, and whether they are enabling their child, seeking to control their child, or providing support.

-Seidel says future research should continue to explore how the relationships between parents and their adult children can affect all areas of health and well-being.

-If you’re past the age of adolescence and still experience your parents stressing over your every move, or if you’re a parent struggling with stress over your grown children — it’s normal!

Recent Study Confirms Parents Still Lose Sleep Worrying About Grown Children
-Therefore, we offer several tips on how to avoid such consequences and deal with constant worrying and stress:

#Well-Balanced Meals
Healthy foods maintain the healthy function of the brain and thus promote a healthy sleep.

#Exercise Daily
Exercising offers numerous health benefits, and can help you fall asleep easily.

#Limit Alcohol and Caffeine
These worsen anger and lead to anxiety and panic attacks, so make sure you limit their use.

#Talk to Someone
You can open up and tell your worries to someone you trust and thus let your feelings out.

#Time for yourself
Take some time to do things you love, like listening to your favorite albums, read a book, get a massage, or walk in the park.

#Community work
Find a way to take part in the activities in the community and stay connected to others in order to fight everyday stress and relax.

#Keep a Journal
Your journal can become your best friend if you start writing down your thoughts. This will not hurt anyone and you can express all your feelings.
This will also provide an opportunity for you to control your behavior and stress, and be more aware of the real situation.
Yet, continue loving your children endlessly, as they will always cherish and remember the healthy and positive relationship with their parents.