Homemade (Canned) Mushroom Soup


Superb Flavor and Super Easy

For a long time I had abandoned the use of canned cream soups unless someone requested a dish that required the use of them. Two reasons for this, 1. because they were not the healthiest thing on the planet and 2. they have extreme anemic flavor! Yuck! Not worth the calories in my opinion. I mean, seriously, anyone can mix flour and water and a few tiny mushrooms or chicken pieces and seal it in jars!! But the effort is completely wasted if the end result is a flavorless glop. Okay, I’ll quit ranting and move on to share some absolutely amazing mushroom flavor! Yes, in a jar! 🙂

A few months ago my MIL shared this recipe with me and I’ve made it several times and totally love the flavor and the fact that it’s also gluten free.

2 C. butter*
6 C. baby Bella mushrooms,
Sliced or chopped or both (your choice)
4 Tbsp. sea salt
2 C. tapioca starch
16 C. milk

*Original recipe calls for this amount of butter but half would be better. IMO.

Melt butter in a large kettle. Add the mushrooms and cook/sauté for about 5 minutes.
Add the salt and tapioca starch and stir. This will be very thick. Slowly add the milk (I added about a 1/3 of the milk and then ran it through the blender before adding the rest) and stir well.
Stir over medium heat until thickened.
Pour into 12 clean pint jars, wipe tops and seal. Fill only to the bottom of the neck, soup expands while in the water bath, or pressure canner in my case, and leaks out if the jars are overfilled.
Water bath 2 hours or if using a pressure canner (follow manufacturers instructions!) 1 hour @ 11 lbs. pressure.

I prepared this recipe and sautéed some sweet onions and extra mushrooms and added them to the canned soup which I had diluted slightly with water. And because most of my family enjoys the flavor but not the texture of the mushrooms I blended everything till it was smooth before pouring it over the meat.
This was a different night that I served it over chicken breast and wild rice.
It was wonderful!!

I hope you have a wonderful week! It’s going to be a very busy one for us here but we will do our best to enjoy it anyway. 🙂 I don’t usually like when there’s too much going on because I enjoy time to think, reflect, and savor moments. But some things can’t be avoided and life becomes busy so you do what you can and enjoy it anyway.

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