Here’s an incredibly easy way to satisfy your sweet tooth and create a delicious holiday breakfast in one go! Monkey Bread is a classic that will disappear even faster than you can say ”sticky fingers”. And by the way, you’re not going to need napkins – you’ll want to lick those fingers clean! Don’t even think about having just one, or two, or three little bites of this… You’ll keep reaching for one more until it’s all gone! If you’re worried about your calorie intake, you’d better have your friends or family over to share this!
This is one of the easiest recipes ever for a monkey bread. You only need a few simple ingredients (most of them you’ll probably already have on hand) and about five minutes of prep time. See, I told you it was easy!
This is also one of those things you can have your kids make for you, in case you happen to feel lazy. They are going to have so much fun putting this together – and I guarantee it’s going to taste even more delicious when they’ve made it themselves!
• 4 cans of Pillsbury Biscuits
• 1/2 cup of melted butter
• 3/4 cup of packed brown sugar
• 3/4 cup of granulated sugar
• 2 TablespoonS ground cinnamon
Pre-heat oven to 350
In a one-gallon ziplock bag mix the cinnamon and granulated sugar
in a glass bowl melt 1/2 cup of butter and then mix with brown sugar
Cut each of the pre-sliced biscuits into fourths and drop them into the gallon sizer bag. -Coat the biscuits with the sugar mixture and then place the biscuit pieces into a bundt pan.
After all the biscuits are placed into the bunt pan drizzle the butter and brown sugar mixture over the top. It will run throughout the mass.
Cook for 40-45 minutes
Let rest for 5 minutes and then flip upside down onto a pan and serve with milk!
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