Drunken Pork Tenderloin


Earlier this week I told you about the great deals that Costco has on pork this month in their stores and that I picked up some pork tenderloin. If you missed that post go take a look because there is a giveaway (giveaway has ended) for a Costco gift card and more.

Cooking pork tenderloin is very easy and it is a versatile cut of pork. Today I’m sharing with you a family favorite pork tenderloin recipe. This recipe has become a comfort food in our home and everyone else’s home I know that has tried it. I have been making this pork recipe for several years and Hubby and Taylor ask for it often. Everyone who has ever eaten this loves it! The recipe did not really have a name before, but today I decided to call it Robyn’s Drunken Pork Tenderloin since I use a whole bottle of red wine in it.

Don’t worry though, it does not have an intense alcohol flavor, I promise. Well, okay it doesn’t taste too boozy for us but I cook with wine a lot. If you want to use less wine that is okay or if you want to use something like red wine vinegar instead, which has just tiny traces of alcohol, that would be fine. Thanks to TheMotherhood.com and Costco for asking me to share my family favorite pork tenderloin recipe with all of you. I hope it will become a comfort food for your family too! I have several other pork recipes here on my blog too.


»2 lb (or so – I use one package which has two pieces in it) pork tenderloin

»1 Tbsp. garlic powder

»Salt and freshly ground black pepper

»1 Large white onion, thinly sliced

»1 Bottle red wine of choice (Moscato, merlot, burgundy, zinfandel, or whatever wine you have on hand)

»1 Pkg. brown gravy mix.