Grilled Pineapple Chicken


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• 8 ounce crushed pineapple
• 3 Tablespoons Heinz 57
• 1 Tablespoon soy sauce
• 1 Teaspoon my house seasoning (equal parts garlic powder, onion powder and pepper…combine and store in an airtight container)
• 1/2 Teaspoon ground turmeric
• 5-6 boneless/skinless chicken breasts


-Add the first 5 ingredients to a large ziploc bag, add in the chicken, seal and squish to combine and coat the chicken well. Place in the fridge to marinate for 6 to 8hours or overnight. Remove the chicken from the fridge 20minutes prior to grilling. Heat your grill to a med. high heat. Once heated, place the chicken on the grill and cook approx. 7 to 9minutes per side, this depends on the thickness of your chicken. Remove from the grill and tent with tinfoil to let rest for 5minutes. Chicken should read 165 degrees when checked with a thermometer.ENJOY!♥♥

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grilled pineapple chicken